Microsoft Fix it

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It seems Microsoft has always had a love/hate relationship with consumers when it comes to support issues. When things are going well the general public loves Microsoft, but when things start going badly public opinion heads the same direction.

For whatever reason, the Microsoft Help and Support website seems to be one of the last places a lot of people turn to for an actual resolution. One of the problems has always been that the solutions presented require more than simple knowledge about how to use computers as they usually require making registry changes and other activities that the general public either doesn’t know how to do or doesn’t feel comfortable doing.

Microsoft is working very hard to change this and looks like they have made some significant improvements with the release of the Microsoft Fix it Solution Center. The goal of Microsoft Fix it is to provide automated solutions to “common software problems in an easy, intuitive way that is available when and where you need it.”

The most interesting part of Microsoft Fix it is that the solutions will not only come from Microsoft but also from the large community of Microsoft MVPs. This is our opportunity (and yours) to have a more direct role in providing solutions to the more common issues that are seen in the community.
