Cadru is now on NuGet

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A little over a year ago I announced the availability of Cadru, an open source utility framework containing new APIs and extensions to the core .NET Framework to help complete your developer toolbox.

I am very pleased to announce that the Cadru assemblies are now available on NuGet.

To install one of the assemblies, run the corresponding command in the Package Manager Console:

PM> Install-Package Cadru.Core
PM> Install-Package Cadru.Core.Windows
PM> Install-Package Cadru.UnitTest.Framework

Bugs and feature requests

Do you have a bug or a feature request? Please use the issue tracker and search for existing and closed issues. If your problem or request isn’t addressed yet, go ahead and open a new issue.


You can also get involved and fork the repository to submit your own pull requests. (More detailed contributor guidelines will be available soon.)
