The .NET Language Strategy

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Last week, Microsoft announced the language strategy for C#, VB, and F#. The Visual Basic team also provided a more detailed look at the Visual Basic .NET language strategy.

So much has changed in .NET, especially over the last year, but one of the changes that has had the most impact has been the open sourcing of the whole .NET stack. With the language strategy posts, Microsoft has provided some additional context for how language decisions are made. That means the design process for the languages is now completely out in the open on GitHub.

This includes the C# and VB language specs. This is a huge achievement and one that I’m personally very happy to see. This effort started back in August 2014 when I started working with Lucian on the VB spec, mostly converting the existing Word spec to markdown.

The C# design process is in the dotnet/csharplang GitHub repository and design discussions happen on the csharplang mailing list.

The Visual Basic design process is in the dotnet/vblang GitHub repository and design discussions happen on the vblang mailing list.

The F# language design process is in the fsharp/fslang-suggestions and fsharp/fslang-design GitHub repositories.
