Introducing Cadru 4.0 Preview

  • 1 minute to read
Cadru was first released as an open source framework in July 2013. Since then, there have been numerous changes, improvements, and updates not just to Cadru but also in .NET itself. The biggest change that took place was the introduction of .NET Core and .NET Standard to support true... Read more

Changing your local source folder structure

  • 4 minutes to read
Visual Studio is a great IDE for developing .NET-based web sites, especially if you’re building .NET Core sites using Visual Studio 2017. There is one scenario, though, that can completely destabilize your development environment: Moving (or changing) your source code directory structure. While this probably isn’t an everyday thing, it... Read more

On Being An MVP

  • 5 minutes to read
In January of this year, I was reawarded as A Microsoft MVP, marking 10 years as an MVP. Over that time, I’ve seen a tremendous amount of changes in technology but also in the award program itself. I was first awarded in January 2008 in... Read more

Happy Birthday .NET

  • 1 minute to read
On February 13, 2002 Microsoft publicly released the first version of .NET as part of Visual Studio.NET. It’s been an interesting ride over the last 15 years. (Visual Studio, first released in February 1997, is 20 years old this month as well.) When .NET was first released, it will billed... Read more

Language Specs Info

  • 1 minute to read
Microsoft recently announced the language strategy for C#, VB, and F#. Part of this announcement was that the language specs for C# and VB are being made public in GitHub repositories. This is actually really important for the language design process but it also allows anyone outside of Microsoft... Read more